
Kenya: Several dead in police firing as protesters set parliament building ablaze

Protests have erupted across Kenya over new taxes policy

Kenya police beat a protester during a protest over proposed tax hikes in a finance bill in downtown Nairobi, Kenya | AP

Police opened fire on protesters attempting to storm Kenya's legislature on Tuesday. At least five protesters were killed and several injured during the firing when the demonstrators entered the parliament and set ablaze part of the building. Protests are taking place across Kenya over raising taxes. 

Though police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse the crowd, it failed and therefore they were forced to open fire. 

The protesters stormed into the parliament while MPs were present inside passing the legislation to raise taxes. 

"We want to shut down parliament and every MP should go down and resign...We will have a new government," said one protester while talking to a news media outlet. 

With the cost-of-living crisis reeling the nation, the tax rises are causing more hardships to the common folks. Many are calling for President William Ruto to step down as well. 

In the wake of the police crackdown, Kenya's internet network service is experiencing a major disruption. 

The Kenya Human Rights Commission on Tuesday shared a video of officers shooting at protesters and said they would be held to account.

The commission wrote on X addressing President William Ruto: "The world is watching your descent into tyranny! Your regime's actions is an assault on democracy. All those involved in the shooting actively or passively must be held to account.

Also, the Kenya Law Society President Faith Odhiambo on Tuesday said around 50 Kenyans, including her personal assistant, had been abducted by people believed to be police officers. 

Some of those missing included those who were vocal in the ongoing demonstrations and were taken away from their homes, workplaces and public spaces in the run-up to the Tuesday protests, according to civil society groups.

Ruto on Sunday said he was proud of the young people who had come out to exercise their democratic duty and said he would engage the youth on their concerns. Ruto was currently outside the capital attending an African Union retreat.