OPINION: Pakistan is disintegrating

Balochistan is on the way to seceding from Pakistan


Pakistan, that fake, artificial entity (I refuse to call it a country ), created by a British swindle called Partition in 1947 on the basis of the bogus two-nation theory, is disintegrating, as was inevitable.

After the secession of Bangladesh in 1971, Balochistan is on the way to seceding from Pakistan. 

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The process of secession has begun and is gaining momentum daily. Mentally the Balochs have already seceded en masse from Pakistan, because for decades terrible atrocities were committed on them by the Pakistan army, which brutally beat, murdered or 'disappeared' hundreds of thousands of Balochs.

Balochistan is rich in natural resources like gold, gas, oil and copper. These should have been used for the welfare of Balochs, but instead, they were taken away by ravenous Punjabi businessmen, who behaved like wolves, while the Balochs were kept in abject poverty. And now these resources have been handed over by the Pakistan government to the Chinese vultures

No wonder that the Balochs, who have created the Balochistan Liberation Army, are up in arms.

Even Baloch women, led by Mahrang Baloch have risen up in revolt, and they are out on the streets holding massive demonstrations

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They have told the world what Pakistan has been doing in Balochistan.

Long live the Baloch people! 

Long live the Balochistan Liberation Army!

Long live Mahrang Baloch and the brave women of Balochistan!

Justice Markandey Katju retired from the Supreme Court in 2011.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of THE WEEK.


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