Who will represent Fiji at Miss Universe 2024? Drama and controversy unfold in beauty pageant

Manshika Prasad was initially crowned Miss Fiji, but later the runner-up Nadine Roberts was declared winner sparking suspicions

Miss Universe Fiji 2024 (R) Manshika Prasad, who was crowned Miss Fiji 2024, (L) runner-up Nadine Roberts | X

Controversy and drama overshadowed the 2024 Miss Universe Fiji event, with many questioning the judging process and sparking a heated debate about the fairness and transparency of the competition.

It all initially started when Manshika Prasad, a 24-year-old MBA student, was crowned Miss Fiji 2024. She had received four out of the seven votes from the panel of judges making her the winner of the beauty pageant. But little did she know that it would be snatched away so soon.

Just two days after Miss Universe Fiji (MUF) issued a press statement saying the decision has been revised and the real Miss Fiji is runner-up Nadine Roberts, a 30-year-old from Sydney.

Some of the judges on the panel were surprised by the turn of events. Now, why was the decision revised?

MUF alleged that "correct procedures" were not followed during the judging process and Prasad was chosen in a rigged voting which favoured "Fiji Indian" contestant to win as it had financial benefits for the organisers.

Adding more suspense to the drama, Prasad issued a statement saying there was "so much the public did not know about."

"A controversial decision by judges on the night incorrectly awarded the wrong winner at the Gala Top Ten finalists Event held at the Pearl Resort last night, that has led to heartbreak and tears for two contestants,” read the MUF statement.

Meanwhile, Roberts in her statement said that everyone is impacted by the recent events and also thanked the authorities for taking “swift action”. 

One of the seven judges on the panel told BBC, "Everything had been running so smoothly," during the competition. 

Some of the judges sensed there was something wrong when the official confirmation of Prasad’s victory.

The absence of one of the judges Riri Febriani, who was representing Lux Projects, while Prasad took a boat trip with the judges after the crowning was also noted.

Lux Projects is the company that bought the licence to hold Miss Universe in Fiji.

Later it turned out that Lux Projects was not happy with the outcome of the vote. Its press release on Sunday said the licensee itself should also get a vote - one which the contracted organiser, Grant Dwyer, had “failed to count”.

With the licensee getting the "determining vote" as it led to a 4-4 tie, Roberts was made the winner. But it wasn’t over yet; the rest of the panel got more suspicious.

It was alleged that Lux Projects has a connection with an Australian businessman called Jamie McIntyre, who is reportedly married to Roberts since 2022. McIntyre was accused of being involved in the judging controversy. However, his representatives refuted the allegations and said it’s all a “conspiracy” theory.

However, in the end, Prasad got what she “rightfully” deserved and was officially named Miss Fiji. She will be representing Fiji at Miss Universe to be held in November in Mexico.

“What an incredible journey this has been,” she posted on social media.

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