'Willing to dehumanise Jewish state': 5 comments from Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's UNGA speech | Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas and more

Netanyahu's speech at the UN General Assembly on Friday was a clear hint that the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) may bnot come around for a cease-fire

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the 79th United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters in New York | Reuters

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told world leaders at the United Nations on Friday that his nation will continue degrading Hezbollah, Hamas and Iran  until it achieves its goals. Netanyahu's speech at the UN General Assembly on Friday was a clear hint that the Israel Defence Forces (IDF)  may bnot come around for a cease-fire despite Lebanon suffering heavy losses in the war. 

FULL REPORT | Israel seeks peace but fights for life: Netanyahu declares at UN General Assembly

Since the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel, Tel Aviv has been fighting with the aim to 'destroy' the Hamas group. Tensions in the Middle East intensified since the Israel-Hamas war. Netanyahu said that if Hamas stays in power in Gaza, it will regroup, rearm and attack Israel again. 

Here are five notable parts from  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech at the UN General Assembly on Friday amidst the ongoing war in the Middle East: 

1. On war with Hezbollah: “I’ve come here to say, enough is enough... 

“We won’t rest until our citizens return safely to our homes.”

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“For 18 years Hezbollah brazenly refuses to implement UNSC resolution 1701,” and puts a missile in every kitchen, a rocket in every garage,” endangering their own people.

 Israel has every right to return its citizens safely and “we will continue degrading Hezbollah until all our objectives are met,” he said.

2. On war with Hamas in Gaza: According to the Israel PM, “Hamas has got to go.” because, “If Hamas stays in power, it will regroup and rearm and attack Israel again and again and again as it has vowed to do.”

Elaborating on his plans for Tel Aviv's relationship with Gaza, Netanyahu said Israel will support any local civil administration in Gaza that is committed to coexistence,

3. On Israel-Saudi relations: Netanyahu hit a tone of positivity when he said that this country “must achieve a historic peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia.” 

“What a blessing such a peace with Saudi Arabia would bring... “It would be a true pivot of history,” he said. According to him, a reconciliation between “Mecca and Jerusalem” could bring a boon to tourism, trade, energy, AI, and much more.” 

4. On Israel-Iran relations: He launched a scathing attack against Tehran, he said, "For too long, the world has appeased Iran,"  and that appeasement must end. 

“ If you strike us, we will strike you... We don’t want to see a single innocent person die, that’s always a tragedy...  

“Yes we are defending ourselves, but we are also defending ourselves against a common enemy,” he said.

5. Criticises UN for backing Israel's foes:  "...This UN house of darkness... In this swamp of antisemitic bile, there is a majority willing to dehumanise the Jewish state" he said.

Netanyahu told the House that in the last decade, there have been more resolutions passed against Israel than against the entire world combined. The real war criminals are in Iran, Gaza, Syria and Lebanon, he said. "What hypocrisy. What a double standard. What a joke."

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