OPINION: 'Laanat hai aap par', Qazi Faez Isa

Qazi Faez Isa, who has functioned as a servile toady of the Pakistan Establishment ever since he became the Chief Justice of Pakistan

Pakistan supreme court Pakistan supreme court

When the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Qazi Faez Isa, who has functioned as a servile toady of the Pakistan Establishment ever since he became the CJP on  17/9/2023, went with his family recently to a bakery (Crusteez Donuts) in Islamabad to buy donuts, an employee of the bakery asked ''Are you Faez Isa ?'' and before the former could reply said ''Laanat hai aap par '' ( 'May curses be upon you' or 'Shame on you' ).

It may be noted that the bakery employee did not address the CJP as 'Qazi Faez Isa' but only as 'Faez Isa'. Since the word Qazi means a judge, it is obvious that the employee did not even regard the CJP as a judge, owing to his numerous misdeeds. These culminated in (1) his recent attempt to get an extension (he is due to retire on 25/10/2024 on attaining the age of superannuation of 65 ) by getting the Constitution amended to form a Constitutional Court which he will head, and where he can continue till 68, and (2) his removal of one of the best judges of Pakistan, Justice Munib Akhtar, who has the highest reputation of integrity and legal knowledge, and is number 3 in seniority, from the committee for constituting benches of the Supreme Court, and replacing him with his henchman, Justice Aminuddin Khan, who is number 5 in seniority, only because Justice Munib Akhtar disagreed with the CJP in some cases and issues.

ALSO READ | OPINION: Shameless Chief Justice of Pakistan

Most people are supporting that employee (who has gone into hiding ), saying that he has expressed the thoughts of the 240 million people of Pakistan.

I have written many articles on the misdeeds of Qazi Faez Isa, who has disgraced the judiciary and functioned like the 'hanging judge' Judge Jeffreys in England, who was a toady of King James II, or like the Nazi judge Roland Freisler.

Now people of Pakistan want a 'Donut Revolution'. 

One person tweeted ''People should start selling donuts at every traffic signal, every bus stop, and every railway station, and make a Donut Revolution, like Georgia's 'Rose Revolution'"

Another edited Crusteez Donuts menu card to include 'L wala donut' (L standing for Laanat).

One person said on instagram ''That ONE EMPLOYEE literally did what every single Pakistani should be doing''. Another told Crusteez to raise the salary of that employee, instead of firing him, because ''he single-handedly caused your revenue and customer loyalty to jump through the roof''.

Yet another said ''The whole of Pakistan, except zameer faroshes and patwaris, stand behind that Crusteez' employee. That guy represented our collective emotions''

A  crowd gathered outside Crusteez Donuts with placards stating ''The people have spoken ''.

It seems that all hell has broken out in Pakistan. The people of Pakistan had been terrified and silenced by the guns of the Pakistan army after the events of 9th May 2023 (which many people say were stage-managed), but that young employee (who has disappeared) has expressed the voice of the people and may cause the floodgates to burst open.

As for Qazi Faez Isa, I am reminded of a shloka in the Bhagavad Gita where Lord Krishna tells Arjun (see Gita, chapter 2, shloka 34) 

सम्भावितस्य चाकीर्तिर्मरणादतिरिच्यते 

- भगवद गीता - सांख्ययोग - अध्याय २ - श्लोक ३४

'' Sambhaavitasya  cha akeerti, maranaat atirichyate ''


''For a self-respecting man, death is preferable to dishonour ''

But I doubt Qazi Faez Isa has even heard of the Gita.

Justice Markandey Katju retired from the Supreme Court in 2011


The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of THE WEEK.

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