
Too many regulatory requirements create problems: MapmyIndia CEO

Businesses require predictability and consistency

Interview/ Rohan Verma, CEO & executive director, MapmyIndia

Q. What are the crucial areas the Union budget should focus on?

The government should continue the good work of generating economic demand and economic growth that is inclusive and covers all strata of society. Fundamentally, a strong and balanced growth is good for business, the people and the nation. So, everything the government can do around that would be relevant.

Q. What are the new-age legal, tax and facilitatory needs of startups and digital firms that the government should address through the budget?

Businesses require predictability and consistency. Shocks to the system or too many regulatory requirements over too much paperwork create problems for companies. A smoother way of doing business, fewer things that are onerous, that are asked of startups, those are the things that would be helpful.

Q. How can the government find a balance between capital expenditure on infra and social spending needs?

The government has been doing a good job providing basic needs in terms of welfare schemes to the people at the bottom of the pyramid, be it through the Ujjwala scheme, food rations and housing. And infra also, with all the roads and highways and ports, the government has been doing it strongly.

Ultimately there is a unifying theme, leaning to Atmanirbhar Bharat. Growing the capabilities or demand for indigenous firms and indigenous technologies, products and services will ensure supply and hence jobs and wealth creation, value creation within the country, and a certain self-reliance when it comes to various technologies. I think if the budget leans to that, we will be self-sufficient and self-sustaining in a strong way.