'Yoga brought me back to life': Actor Vidya Malvade

I enjoy teaching yoga, she said


I practise yoga regularly and enjoy teaching it. I have enjoyed the benefits of yoga, and that is why I have done a teacher training programme under my guru ji. I am a student for life.

Yoga is not just a physical practice. It is not just a workout, but a work-in. That is the beauty of yoga. It can begin as a physical practice. But, if you are consistent, it will go from a physical practice to a deeper, emotionally healing practice. The shift is so subtle that if you are not aware of it, you will not notice it.

Yoga has changed my life. Yoga, in fact, brought me back to life. There was a stage in my life when there was only darkness. Yoga was a tiny ray of light. And I grabbed it. Today, whatever I am going through, yoga keeps me smiling. And my internal state doesn't change even if my external state is falling apart―whether it is the emotional trauma of losing a loved one, or losing a job.

Here, in Bollywood, the competition is so high, and we need to keep ourselves balanced. There was a time when all hope was lost in my life. Today, I thank my lord. You end up having a spectacular day because of your inner state. Even if you have heard negatives through the day, it is fine. Nirbhau [without fear], nirvair [without vengeance], like they say. One breath at a time, I will slowly get there.

Malvade is an actor.