
'Sperm count and motility skyrocketed after attending yoga classes in AIIMS': Raja Singh

Yoga may also do wonders for you

My wife and I were married three years ago and life was going on smoothly. Then, Covid-19 struck and she had to shift her endocrinology consultations to AIIMS, which remained open during the pandemic. My wife’s endocrinologist referred her to the gynaecologist when she conveyed our apprehensions about being unable to conceive. After many tests, my wife underwent a minor procedure, and was on track for IUI (intrauterine insemination). And then, suddenly, I was diagnosed with a low sperm count and abnormal sperm morphology. As it was a clear manifestation of male infertility, we were worried.

On consultation, I was told that with the sperm analysis results, I had three options. The first is ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection), which is an enhanced form of IVF (in-vitro fertilisation), where in my case of improper sperm morphology, the chances of conceiving were less. The second option was to find a donor, and, the third, was to go for adoption. This pathway was a shocker for us, and hope was what I needed.

For a non-alcoholic, non-smoker, who was on a good diet, this was the least I had expected out of life.

But I was given hope by the yoga research team in the department of anatomy, where all that was asked [from me] was one hour of yoga, five days a week, for a month. Having been exposed to modern education, I had my doubts. I thought even though yoga might be a good exercise, its positive effects on my clinical condition may not be great.

Nevertheless, I signed up as I had nothing to lose. I thought yoga was some harmless, medicine-free, side effect-free method and good exercise, and, if it helps me, why not try it. Additionally, I thought it might help others who would benefit from the research results where I may be a study subject.

So, after three-and-a-half months of regular yoga, which focused on holistic healing approach, I went again for a sperm analysis test. The results were astounding! A remarkable improvement in sperm morphology, and the sperm count and motility skyrocketed! The trainer at the yoga research programme had focused on each person and followed up on the progress.

Disclaimer: I want to state that this is not one of those shady reviews that someone forced me to write, but an earnest voice from my heart. To conclude, yoga, in my experience, is a promising treatment. If anyone is in doubt, please give the benefit of the doubt to yoga as an alternate medicine discipline for clinically positive outcomes. It may also do wonders for you!

Singh is a visiting faculty at the department of architecture, Delhi. As told to Anirudha Karindalam.