'Told PM Modi about India hosting the peace summit': Zelensky tells THE WEEK

Ukraine is prepared for an open and honest dialogue, the president said

52-Mridula-Ghosh-and-other-Indian-journalists Close encounter: Mridula Ghosh (far right) and other Indian journalists with President Zelensky.

IT WAS WHILE answering questions from THE WEEK at the press meet that Zelensky said he had told Modi about India hosting a peace summit.

I asked him: During your discussions (with Modi) did you touch upon nuclear security? What part of your 10-point peace plan have you discussed? Will there be a future peace summit? Have you discussed whether Russia will participate in that summit? Could you comment on the possible involvement of India in the release of children abducted by Russia? Any condemnation of Russia’s actions forcing or tricking Indian citizens into participating in the war?

Zelensky: I will start with the last question. Prime Minister Modi said he condemns that and will ensure that Indian citizens do not fight for the Russian army. I perfectly understand him. I just can’t understand how you could enrol foreign citizens. Forcibly or not, I don’t know. How could it happen otherwise? It is indeed bad.

I truly believe that the second peace summit has to take place. It would be good to hold it in one of the global south countries. We are very open on it. There are countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar or Türkiye or even Switzerland, but that is a different direction. We are currently talking to these countries about hosting the second peace summit.

I fully support, and I told this to Prime Minister Modi, if we could have the global peace summit in India. It’s a big country. It’s a great democracy, the largest one. But I want to be frank. This is related not only to India, but to any state which will have a positive attitude to host the second peace summit. But we won’t be able to conduct a peace summit in a country which until now has not joined the communique of the last peace summit. I guess you understand this. Nobody is exerting any pressure, but that is logical.

We have discussed all matters related to the communique, including issues of security. Yesterday, there was an online meeting on energy. There was a big elaboration meeting after the first summit.

The teams have started to work on nuclear security… By November we want to have the whole plan on all the points and that is why we wanted the countries to join that cause. If they want to have additional points or clauses or they disagree with something, then we may discuss them at the level of NSAs through working level meeting. Let them do their work and we are ready to work with you on the matter. Who knows, maybe we will. Energy is something we’ve discussed and this includes nuclear energy.

Frankly, we didn’t have enough time to have a detailed conversation on nuclear security, even though we raised all three questions just as we dealt with food security as well as children.

Regarding children, there are some countries willing to help in this matter, and you know the number of countries helping in this will never be enough and we would be happy if India would join that part of the formula, the return of the children that is the humanitarian aspect.

From the standpoint of the neutrality of your status, I would like to underline that none of the points in the peace plan or those discussed at the summit has anything to do with weapons or armaments. So, I think India can choose from these points and join the respective initiatives, proposing its own vision and additional ideas. We are prepared for an open and honest dialogue.