Understanding Kanakadasa Jayanti

Who was Kanakadasa?

In plain terms, Kanakadasa is an influential 16th-century poet and saint. (Photo | Twitter)

Kanakadasa was reportedly born to a chieftain of the Kuruba community in Haveri's Bada village. (Photo | Twitter)

Following the early demise of his father, Kanakadasa, who was then called as Thimmappa, became the chieftain. (Photo | Twitter)

Thimmappa (Kanakadasa) ruled 78 villages under the Vijayanagara Empire, a report said. (Photo | Twitter)

The story behind the name:

According to reports, people started calling Thimmappa "Kanaka Nayaka" after he found a large treasure chest. (Photo | Twitter)

Changing base:

Tired of the arstrocratic life that involved wars and bloodshed, Kanakadasa relocated to Haveri's Kaginele. (Photo | Twitter)

Kanaka Nayaka gave up his position and embraced the name "Kanakadasa." (Photo | Twitter)

Influential reformist:

Kanakadasa confronted superstitious beliefs and practices and worked among the downtrodden to bring about social reforms. (Photo | Twitter)

The shrine of Kaginele Adikeshava was installed at the present location by the great hermit himself. He brought it from its original position in Bida to protect it from the invaders. (Photo | Twitter)