What's happening?| Shutterstock
France’s craze for frog meat is endangering species in Asia and Southeast Europe, experts have warned. | Shutterstock
Researchers and conservation groups have called on French President Emmanuel Macron to “end the overexploitation of frogs.” | Facebook
The majority of EU's frog imports (equivalent to 80-200 million) reaches France, The Guardian said in a report. | Shutterstock
It is claimed that France alone consumes more than 3,000 tons of frozen frog legs a year. | Shutterstock
These animals are largely captured from the wilds of Indonesia, Turkey and Albania, and farms in Vietnam. | Shutterstock
According to reports, two common species – the crab-eating frog (Fejervarya cancrivora) and rice-field frog (Fejervarya limnocharis) – have been in decline due to continued largescale commercial harvests. | Facebook
While the frogs are protected under law in EU countries, the natural populations in many countries are threatened for consumption in these same countries, protestors point out. | Shutterstock