Chinese war games close to Taiwan shores

What is at stake? [AFP Photo]


China on Thursday announced two days of war games around self-ruled Taiwan, encircling the island with naval vessels and military aircraft. | AFP

Why now?

Taiwan's new president, Lai Ching-te, has been branded a "dangerous separatist" by Beijing. | Reuters

Dragon triggered?

Beijing worries Lai may encourage the international community to support Taiwan's formal independence, and thus decided to act. | AFP

Strong words

China said the war games were meant as a "strong punishment for... attempts at independence". | AFP

Action speaks louder...

The war games are scheduled to last two days. Analysts believe it is a direct message to Taiwan and its allies. | AFP


It's meant to be a warning to both the Lai administration and Washington that it can and will continue to put the squeeze on Taiwan. | AFP


The People's Liberation Army (PLA) intends to prove "that if the need arises it has the ability to quickly impose a blockade on the entire territory of Taiwan island, stop armed intervention by external forces, and rapidly resolve the Taiwan issue", Song Zhongping, an analyst and former Chinese military officer, told AFP. | Reuters


According to reports, "(The drills) are very close in, violating Taiwan's air defence identification zone (ADIZ), and moving ever closer." | AFP

How big is the war game?

Beijing could choose to extend the war games, or launch missiles near Taiwan, as it did after US representative Nancy Pelosi's visit. | AFP

Escalations and consequences:

Beijing could choose to extend the war games, or launch missiles near Taiwan, as it did after US representative Nancy Pelosi's visit. | Reuters