Wayanad landslide's destruction through images | Manorama


An inside of a house that was engulfed by the landslide | Manorama

Difficult terrain:

Risky rescue efforts were carried out before the Army built a bridge | Manorama


Rescue teams braved torrential rains and other factors to reach survivors | Manorama

Heartbreaking scenes:

Mortal remains of a victim being pulled out from the remains | Manorama

Heavy losses:

Several JCBs were needed to search for victims amidst the debris | Manorama


A baby being brought down from an isolated zone by a team of rescue workers | Manorama


An aerial view of a patch of land that was engulfed by the landslide | Manorama

Daring mission:

Rock and pulley being used across river to reach trapped people in Wayanad | Manorama

Ground zero:

Rescue units in the backdrop of the mountain where the landslide occurred | Manorama