The inspiring life of Michaela DePrince: The ballet icon, who conquered civil war and orphanhood dies at 29

DePrince was born as Mabinty Bangura in Kenema, Sierra Leone on January 6, 1995. Her parents died during the civil war and she ended up at an orphanage when she was just three years old.

She was adopted in 1999 at the age of four by New Jersey couple Elaine and Charles DePrince. She moved to the United States later.

In her 2014 book, Taking Flight: From War Orphan to Star Ballerina, she mentions her struggles especially how she was isolated due to vitiligo.

At the age of five, she began her ballet training. The world was not ready to welcome a Black Ballerina at that time.

Aged 14, DePrince was awarded a scholarship to attend the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis School to study ballet.

She rose to fame after starring in the documentary First Position in 2011. She also starred in 'Dancing with the Stars' and Beyonce's 'Lemonade' music video

Several members of the ballet community mourned DePrince, including American ballerina Misty Copeland.