Sunita Williams, Butch Wilmore on their way back to Earth

After nine months, NASA's two stuck astronauts headed back to Earth with SpaceX on Tuesday

The capsule undocked in the wee hours of Tuesday and aimed for a splashdown off the Florida coast by early evening

Images released by NASA showed Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams bidding farewell to the ISS with two other astronauts

The two went to the ISS onboard Boeing's new Starliner crew capsule on June 5 for a week

Their stay was extended for nine months after technical issues forced NASA to send it back empty

Williams and Wilmore were transferred to SpaceX, pushing their homecoming into February

The Space X capsule left ISS with NASA's Nick Hague and Russia's Alexander Gorbunov

Wilmore and Williams spent nine months in ISS conducting experiments, fixing equipment and spacewalking together