Five Indian birds facing extinction in 2024

Birds are a delight to watch, but, in India, many of these beautiful creatures are becoming extinct due to human interference. Here are five critically endangered birds of India. (Compiled by Vishnupriya V)

Great Indian bustard

It is the heaviest flying bird in India, and lives in the grasslands of Rajasthan and Gujarat. There are fewer than 150 of them now. It lost out to the peacock as the national bird because of its name—‘Bustard' could be misunderstood as ‘Bastard’.

Lesser florican

Also known as Likh or Kharmore, it is the smallest member of the Bustard family. It is mostly found in Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh. There are fewer than 1,000 in the world. Major reasons for its endangerment are loss of habitat and hunting.

Forest owlet

One of the rarest owls, it is mostly seen in Madhya Pradesh. There are fewer than 1,000 in the world. Deforestation and timber have been the major reasons for its decline.

White-bellied heron

Also known as the imperial heron, the large heron species lives in the Himalayas. There are fewer than 250 mature ones now. The reasons for their critical state include habitat loss, hunting, and overfishing.

Indian vulture

These majestic creatures are critically endangered, with fewer than 1,500 remaining. Their decline is mostly due to their consumption of animals which are treated with the veterinary drug diclofenac. Other reasons include habitat loss and climate change. (Source: X)