The Week

Deyga contributes 1Lakh to PM CARES Fund

(Eds: Disclaimer: The following content is a press release. PTI takes no editorial responsibility for the same)
The world is struggling with the unprecedented crisis of a horrendous virus. COVID-19 aka ‘Corona Virus Disease 2019’ is active on its ferocious turns of mass destruction. Meanwhile in India, all hands are joining together to help the underprivileged through their contributions to the PM CARES Fund and CM Relief funds of their respective states.

As everyone is contributing their bit, Deyga has also donated INR 1 Lac directly to the PM CARES Fund.

Lockdown for some might be family time or fun time but for some it is an obstacle to their daily earnings. All Deyga employees have pledged one day worth of their salaries to the CM Cares Fund.

Deyga believes that the only potent remedy to counteract this masterful Corona Virus is to stay at home and to maintain a proper hygiene. Apart from financial aid, Deyga has also distributed more than 1000 alcohol-based hand sanitizers to health care workers, scavengers and public workers.

During this lockdown when everyone is stuck at home unable to go to work, Deyga has committed to give its employees, an employee support fund to manage their family’s expenses amidst the crisis

Through its giving hand, Deyga conveys the message of harmony and unity being the only ways to uplift our country and countrymen from the wrath of COVID-19.

‘Every bit counts!’, with this thought instilled in mind and heart, Deyga's founder, Mrs. Arthi Raguram believes, “Empathy is the weapon through which all the differences can be vanished and unity can be established among people. Today what we are and where we are, only possible because we have a chain of constant working hands behind us. The unsung heroes uplift us to meet our needs, so why not we uplift them when they need reciprocation from us. After all it’s only love and humanity that can make the deadliest of times bloom again!”

Deyga has not only contributed its bit but also inspires many to play their part too. The brand has always been oriented towards a social outlook than a commercial one. From the tree planting to the financial help during Corona crisis, it has always prioritized country over self. With gratitude in heart and prayers for victims, Deyga takes a promising step ahead to support the needy to its best with a determined mind, when the country calls for. PWR

(This story has not been edited by THE WEEK and is auto-generated from PTI)