Namrata Hinduja highlights Hinduja foundation’s commitment to foster innovation & improve global healthcare
In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, the intersection of philanthropy and scientific research often leads to transformative breakthroughs. One shining example of this synergy is the collaboration between the Hinduja Foundation UK and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Advanced Engineering for Personalised Surgery and Intervention at King’s College London. Namrata Hinduja, Member Steering Committee, Hinduja Foundation has highlighted the foundation’s commitment to empowering cutting-edge biomedical research underscoring its mission to foster innovation and improve global healthcare.
A Vision for Advanced Biomedical Engineering
The EPSRC CDT initiative is funded through the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council of United Kingdom Research and Innovation. The program prepared at the elite School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences in London’s King’s College aims at training the next research trainees to design revolutionary surgeries or interventional technologies for the benefit of millions in health care.
Due to the kind support of Hinduja Foundation UK, 10 Hinduja Scholars are expected to be recruited in the next five years. These scholars will be trained in making significant advances in the field of personalised surgery and intervention which is a novel field between engineering and patient care.
The objective of the Hinduja Foundation is to inspire and support the Scholars, whose research can partake in and change how surgeons work and improve patient care.
The Hinduja Scholars: Drivers of Innovation
Scholars chosen for the program shall be able to make use of the advanced facilities that are available at King’s College London so as to undertake advanced robotic surgery, medical imaging and less invasive options.
Such scholars will be able to integrate advancements into their practices with the end in view of improving the health care sector. From crafting specialized instruments for intricate procedures to developing imaging devices with exceptional diagnostic capabilities, they will be a testament to how education driven by philanthropy can change people’s lives.
Closing the Loop Between Theory and Practice
Partnership of Hinduja Foundation & King’s College London is committed towards betterment of the society
This partnership between Hinduja Foundation and King’s College London shows how much theorists need practical application and how philanthropy is able to solve these pressing problems. This is because the Foundation through the EPSRC CDT participates in such activities which make sure that great work being done in research labs is not wasted in the labs rather it is used for the betterment of the society.
Namrata Hinduja further opines that it will be within a few years in the future that such scholars will impart great influence in the field of biomedical engineering demonstrating the deep roots that the Hinduja Foundation has on the sector and its aim to push innovation.
A Legacy of Global Impact
The Hinduja Foundation’s engagement in the EPSRC CDT is but one of the many contributions aimed at improving health care and educational initiatives. This partnership, however, not only reinforces the Foundation’s aim of nurturing excellence in science but also a reminder of the role interaction and harmonious coordination play, in executing a big initiative. The Foundation, by enabling gifted people to solve some of the most baffling healthcare problems of the present, is trying to prepare for a world that is just and healthy.
“As we collaborate with King’s College London, this partnership highlights the vital role philanthropy plays in bridging the gap between theoretical research and practical applications,” says Namrata Hinduja. “By supporting initiatives like the EPSRC CDT, we ensure that groundbreaking research doesn’t remain confined to laboratories but transforms into solutions that benefit society.
A Future Shaped by Innovation
As the Hinduja Scholars embark on their journey at King’s College London, the impact of their work will extend far beyond the academic realm. From developing life-saving surgical technologies to shaping the future of personalised medicine, these scholars will embody the transformative power of education and philanthropy.
The partnership between the Hinduja Foundation and the EPSRC CDT represents a shared vision of a world where innovation in biomedical sciences translates into improved lives for millions. It is a testament to what can be achieved when philanthropy and academia come together to solve humanity’s most complex challenges.
In the years to come, the Hinduja Scholars will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on the field of biomedical engineering, reaffirming the enduring legacy of the Hinduja Foundation and its unwavering commitment to driving progress through innovation.
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