Filmmaker Khalid Mohamed's new novel about mystery of half-brother Hukum Singh's death

New Delhi, Apr 14 (PTI) Filmmaker and critic Khalid Mohamed's new novel will be a fictional narrative based on the murder of his half-brother, Rao Raja Hukum Singh of Jodhpur, publisher Westland Books announced on Friday.
    "The Imperfect Prince", a fictional narrative based on real-life events, will tell the tale of Shifa Syed Qureshi, an investigative journalist, who sets out to unearth the mystery behind her half-brother's death.
    The writer, son of film actress Zubeida Begum, has picked from his own life to narrate the mystery surrounding the death of his half-brother, Rao Raja Hukum Singh of Jodhpur, whose murder in 1981 has remained unsolved.
    “'The Imperfect Prince' is a chunk of my heart that I never dared to dissect before. Based on a hushed-up murder in the aristocracy, it required all the courage I had in me because I was imagining justice through it," the writer of films like "Mammo", "Sardari Begum" and "Zubeida" said.
    Mohamed has also directed films such as "Fiza", "Tehzeeb" and "Silsilay".
    “We’re delighted to have acquired The Imperfect Prince, which sees Khalid Mohamed at the very top of his game. This pacy, gritty novel is layered with the menace that only real life could have lent it," Vidhi Bhargava, acquiring editor, Westland Books said.
    The book will be released in October this year.

(This story has not been edited by THE WEEK and is auto-generated from PTI)