The Week

NDMC changes 'Singapur' to 'Singapore' on signboard after high commissioner spots mistake

New Delhi, Oct 8 (PTI) Singapore High Commissioner Simon Wong on Sunday pointed out that the country's name was misspelt as 'Singapur' on a signboard, after which the New Delhi Municipal Council rectified the error.
     He later thanked the agency for the "quick fix".
     Asked about the spelling mistake, an NDMC official said, "The painter was given the wrong spelling and he painted according to what he was given. We are trying to find how it happened. However, as soon as the issue was brought to our notice through the social media, we rectified it."
     Earlier in the day, the Singapore high commissioner shared a picture of the wrong spelling on the signboard on X and wrote, "It is always good to spell check first. HC Wong,"
     In a picture shared by him along with the post, Singapore was misspelt as 'Singapur' on a signboard.
     The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC), which oversees painting of signboards in the national capital, replied to Wong's post on X, saying, "Necessary corrections have been made."
     After the NDMC fixed the mistake, Wong thanked the agency in a social media post on X, "Thank you for the quick fix. HC Wong." He also shared a picture of the corrected spelling on the signboard.    

(This story has not been edited by THE WEEK and is auto-generated from PTI)