Kannur (Kerala), Apr 23 (PTI) Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Tuesday said Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma's claim that some Congress leaders in the state held discussions with him about forming a regional party in the southern state cannot be disregarded as he was a former member of the grand old party and therefore, knows about its internal affairs.
Vijayan said Sarma was a former Congress leader who was facing several allegations which purportedly disappeared after he joined the BJP.
The Marxist veteran said according to the Assam CM, several rounds of discussions were held after which it was decided that presently no such regional party would be formed.
"Not now, but later. That was the final decision. That is what we have also heard," he alleged.
"Therefore, it is not a statement that can be simply rejected. It is also the reason why people do not trust the Congress," he added.
Vijayan said as far as LDF candidates are concerned, people are not worried that they will switch sides, and that is why there is a wave in favour of the Left front in the state.
He further said Sarma is also heard to be close to senior BJP leader Amit Shah and therefore, in all respects, the Assam CM would be aware of what is going on.
"So, we need not disbelieve him (Sarma)," the Kerala CM added.
Sarma on Monday had claimed that some Congress leaders in Kerala held discussions with him about forming a regional party in the southern state after breaking away from the grand old party.
He had said discussions were held in Delhi, with plans for the regional party to align with the BJP for the 2026 Assembly elections in the state.
However, the talks were put on hold and are likely to be resumed after the Lok Sabha elections, the BJP leader had added.