WWF-India to launch drive to protect vultures


New Delhi, Aug 30 (PTI) The World Wide Fund for Nature has launched Vulture Count 2024, a nationwide citizen-science initiative designed to monitor and conserve the country's rapidly declining vulture populations, often referred to as "nature's clean-up crew."
     According to a statement released on Friday, WWF-India has identified 20 locations across the country, including two in the national capital -- Ghazipur Landfill and Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary -- as key spots for public participation.
     The initiative, held in collaboration with Bird Count India and eBird, will begin on September 7 on International Vulture Awareness Day and will continue till October 6, according to the statement.
     Vultures play a vital role in maintaining ecological balance by feeding on carrion, thus preventing the spread of diseases among wildlife, livestock, and humans, it said.
     However, these crucial birds have suffered a drastic decline in India, primarily due to toxic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like diclofenac, habitat loss, food scarcity, and other human-induced threats.
     Vulture Count 2024 seeks to address this crisis by tracking vulture populations across the country, it added.
     The data collected will help identify critical habitats, monitor population trends, and evaluate the impact of environmental changes, thereby guiding targeted conservation efforts.
     Dr Dipankar Ghose, Senior Director of Biodiversity Conservation at WWF-India said, "Vultures are essential to the health of our ecosystems. Vulture Count 2024 offers a unique opportunity for citizen scientists, bird enthusiasts, and local communities to contribute to their conservation."
     "With the dedication of volunteers, we hope to gather critical data that will aid in the protection of these threatened species," Ghose said.
     The count will focus on key vulture species such as the white-rumped vulture, red-headed vulture, Indian vulture, and several others.
     To ensure effective participation, WWF-India will also host a virtual orientation session on September 6.

(This story has not been edited by THE WEEK and is auto-generated from PTI)