Thiruvannamalai (Tamil Nadu), Dec 2 (PTI) Five bodies, trapped in a house buried under mud and rocks, following torrential rain on December 1, were recovered from Annamalaiyar Hill following a hectic search since Monday morning.
The rescuers which included several teams from the NDRF, police, and fire service personnel recovered the body of a child on Monday evening and following this four other bodies were located and recovered, police said.
The hill area was rocked by four mud slips since the night of December 1 owing to the impact of Cyclone Fengal.
The bodies have been sent to the government hospital, police said and added that the body of a woman was among those recovered.
Locals in the VOC Nagar on the foothill have told the authorities that a couple, their two kids besides three other children were trapped in the house that crashed after a boulder rolled down following a mud slip on the night of December 1.
A hunt is on to search for two more people.