Chennai, Jan 13 (PTI) As many as 3,186 personnel from the police, fire and rescue services, and prison departments will receive the CM Pongal medals in recognition of their outstanding service, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin announced on Monday.
The annual awards are conferred upon outstanding personnel to motivate them to display their devotion to duty.
The Tamil Nadu Chief Minister’s Medals are presented on the occasion of the Pongal (Harvest festival) Day, every year.
"This year, Chief Minister M K Stalin has ordered the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister’s Constabulary Medals to 3,000 police personnel (men and women) in the rank of Grade-II Police Constables, Grade-I Police Constables, Head Constables and Special Sub-Inspectors of Police," a release here said.
Further, the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister’s Medals will be given to 120 Fire and Rescue Services Personnel in the rank of Leading Firemen, Driver Mechanic, Firemen Driver (Upgraded Driver Mechanic) and Fireman (Upgraded Leading Fireman) and to 60 Prisons and Correctional Services Personnel (men and women) in the rank of Grade-I Warders (Men) and Grade-II Warder (men) and Grade II Warders (women).
The recipients will get a monthly medal allowance of Rs 400 with effect from February 1, 2025.
In addition, Stalin has ordered that the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister’s Medal for Excellence in Technical and Specialised Services be given to 6 personnel, 2 each from the Police Radio Branch, Dog Squad and Police Photographers. The officers/personnel will receive the lumpsum grant depending upon their ranks.
The medals along with a scroll with the signature of the chief minister will be presented at a ceremonial medal parade to be held in due course, the release said.