Mahakumbh Nagar (UP), Jan 27 (PTI) With the January 29 'Amrit Snan' on Mauni Amavasya expected to draw a large number of pilgrims to the Sangam area, the Prayagraj Railway Division has made special arrangements for smooth commuter experience across all the railway stations in the city, officials said on Monday.
To ensure the safety and smooth flow of the devotees, the Prayagraj Railway Division has rolled out a special plan along with certain restrictions, an official statement said.
These arrangements will come into effect from Tuesday, and two days after the Mauni Amavasya bathing ritual.
On January 29, entry to Prayagraj Junction will be permitted from the city side while exit will be allowed from the Civil Lines side via platform No. 6, the statement said.
Passengers with pre-booked tickets will be allowed separate entry from gate No. 5 on the city side, while unreserved passengers will enter through the direction-wise, colour-coded shelters.
These shelters will also have unreserved ticket counters, ATMs, and mobile ticketing services.
A special holding area has been set up at Khusro Bagh with a capacity to accommodate up to one lakh people, the statement said.
Special arrangements have also been made at the key railway stations to manage the influx of passengers and ensure smooth travel.
At Naini Junction, entry will be allowed only from the Station Road side, with exit through the goods shed, the statement said.
To streamline passenger movement, colour-coded shelters have been set up at all the stations for unreserved passengers, with each colour corresponding to specific routes.
Passengers will be directed from these shelters to the platforms in an orderly manner according to their tickets, the statement said.
Also, special trains will be operated to transport passengers to their destinations, it added.