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Mini P Thomas
Mini P Thomas


I don't meditate


Why is an erect spine important in meditation?

When there is an upward movement of energy or a surge of energy within you, it is best to keep your spine in a vertical posture.

One significant development in the evolutionary process is the formation of the spine. The horizontal spine became vertical. The cerebral flower blossomed only after the spine became vertical. Through meditation, we are trying to raise human beings to the highest possible level. When you are in a horizontal position, energies generated within the system will not work. They will go waste. They may also work negatively.

In the yogic system, there are several yogis who never lie down. They keep their spine in a vertical position even when they sleep.

What makes mediation at the Isha ashram a unique experience?

Within the ashram, we have created a grid of energy points. The Dhyanalinga is one such energy centre. It has been made with a mercury core solidified through Indian alchemy. Solidified mercury is the densest substance found on this planet—it is 14 times heavier than water. Nobody can access the mercury core—it is completely sealed inside. But, it reverberates.

Dhyanalinga is placed at a 11 degrees latitude. This latitude is very important. When the earth spins, it is spinning at a tilt. The centrifugal force of the latitude is almost working in a similar direction here. So, if you sit at Dhyanalinga cross-legged, with an erect spine, it works far better than anywhere else. There is a planetary advantage and an energy created for this purpose, besides the ambience.

Do certain planetary positions enhance the meditative experience?

They do. Planets are dynamic and constantly moving and, at certain times, there will be an upsurge of energy.

Spring tides occur on full moon and new moon nights because of the gravitational pull of the moon. If an entire ocean can be pulled up like this, do you think the fluids in your body are not being pulled up? They are. The entire energy is rushing into the brain.

This can have a profound impact on your body and mind. So, if you are crazy, you will become crazier. If you are very loving, you will become more loving. If you are meditative, you will become more meditative.

Has anyone studied your brain?

I don't have one (laughs). That's why I'm never burdened by it. It just reverberates with everything because it is empty.

How often do you meditate?

I don't meditate. Let's say you planted a plant in your garden. If it's a small plant, everyday you have to water it. If it is well rooted, nobody waters it. Nobody waters a tree, isn't it? I have become an old tree.

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