Megastar Chiranjeevi fans are awaiting with bated breath the Telugu actor's 151st film, Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy. Based on the life of a Telugu freedom fighter, the title logo of the film will be released on August 22.
According to reports, Chiranjeevi will be romancing two heroines; one of them is said to be Nayanthara whose remuneration will be Rs 4 crores. The film is produced by Chiru's son Ram Charan under the banner of Konidela Production Company. There is news that Tamil production house Lycra Productions will also be associated with the film. Surender Reddy, who directed Ram Charan in the successful film Dhruva, will be the director for this new venture.
Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy will be on the lines of Hollywood film Brave Heart and will be released in four languages. The film will be shot simultaneously in Telugu and Tamil, and later dubbed into Hindi and Malayalam.
Chiru made a comeback with his flick Khaidi No 150 in January this year.