Months after the Malayalam song Jimmiki Kammal went viral, it still continues to pop up in the news, for all the good reasons. If you thought everyone was over the trend, Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan proved us wrong recently. Bachchan tweeted: "Current obsession: Jimikki kammal. Can’t stop listening to it!! Awesomeness," he said. Gotta get up and dance, he added as a hashtag.
While many versions of people dancing to the peppy number has flooded social media, the latest one to have gone viral will leave you in splits. Actor Jackie Chan, too, seems to have caught the Jimmiki Kammal fever. In a video posted on YouTube, the actor, dressed in sherwani-dhoti, grooves to the tunes of the song. Except, he is accompanied by actors Sonu Sood and Disha Patani. Well, it seems, Chan is not really dancing to the Jimmiki song. It is in fact a video from his movie Kung Fu Yoga.
This surely is a cleverly edited version that makes sure the dance moves of Chan and co. sync with the peppy Malayalam number. Hope Chan gets the news soon, and get hooked on the song like Bachchan.