The Malayalam movie 'Oru Adaar love' song 'Manikya Malaraya Poovi' shares the message of love beyond borders and the controversy involving its lyrics and social media sensation Priya Prakash Varrier's expressions are totally unnecessary, the movie's director Omar Lulu said in Thrissur on Wednesday.
Lulu, in a reaction to a complaint being filed against the expressions of the 'National crush', said the song was very popular in the Malabar region since 1978, when it was launched.
A complaint was filed in Hyderabad over Varrier's expressions in the song as it "hurts the sentiments of the Muslim community".
"The song shares only one message—love beyond borders," he said.
Varrier, however, said she did not know how to react to the whole controversy.
"I have just been updated about it by my director; hence don't have much idea about the controversy and the case. I would not want to speak about it at the moment," the actress said.
Varrier also said that she was very excited about the movie and thankful for the love and support showed to her.
"All of this happened very suddenly and this is very new to me. Though I am happy and excited about the movie, I really don't know how to handle all the fame and popularity that I have gained just in a single day. Everyone is calling it an overnight sensation."
The actress said the winking and the eyebrow dance thing was not pre-planned or practised.
"The director asked me to do this on the spot as he wanted to bring out something very cute between the couple. So that's how everything worked in the movie and the song."