On Wednesday, as B-town took to Twitter to wish Valentine's Day, Aamir Khan said he was listening to his song Pehla Nasha. Calling it one of his all-time favourite songs, he called it the ideal song for the day.
Aamir fans soon stepped in to wish the actor, and comments poured in about the song. So much so that a user initiated the hashtag #AamirKaPehlaNasha which is now trending. With over 3,000 tweets as of now, most of the fans have requested Aamir to share his first memory of love—his 'Pehla Nasha'. Others shared their own nostalgia and connect with the romantic song on Valentine's Day.
Pehla Nasha, the hit romantic number from Aamir's Joh Jeeta Wohi Sikander(1991), has remained an evergreen love song through the years. The song that reflects on the warm, fuzzy feeling of first love, was sung by Udit Narayan and Sadhana Sargam.
Hey @aamir_khan Sir! Pehla Nasha is one of our all-time favorite romantic songs and we would love to know more about it! @Aamir_KhanFC @KingdomOfAK @The_AKFC @AamirKhan_2 #AamirKaPehlaNasha pic.twitter.com/C8cIKuw9aT
— Ravi Kapoor (@RaviKapoor) February 14, 2018
Hey @aamir_khan, I always wondered what's your pehla nasha? 😉 #AamirKaPehlaNasha https://t.co/tOgHayuSBQ
— Pritam Sharma (@VanDiablo) February 14, 2018
I’m listening to he cult ‘Pehla Nasha’ right now. Love is Nostalgic. But hey @aamir_khan who really was your first love? #AamirKaPehlaNasha
— Devansh Patel (@PatelDevansh) February 14, 2018