A court in New Delhi said on Tuesday it would deliver its verdict in the 2G spectrum allocation graft cases on December 21. The case involves, among others, former telecom minister A. Raja and DMK Rajya Sabha member Kanimozhi who are out on bail.
CBI special judge O.P. Saini had been hearing two separate cases related to 2G spectrum allocation. One is being probed by the CBI and the other by the Enforcement Directorate.
The court concluded final arguments in the case on April 26.
According to the CBI, Raja was biased in allocating 2G mobile airwaves and operating licences to telecom firms, causing a huge loss to the state exchequer.
The CBI chargesheet said Rs 200 crore was transferred from DB Group to Kalaignar TV as kickbacks in lieu of allocation of 2G spectrum to Swan Telecom Pvt Ltd.
The Enforcement Directorate had filed a separate case related to money laundering, alleging that a conspiracy was hatched by Raja, Kanimozhi, DMK leader M. Karunanidhi's wife Dayalu Ammal and others and that Rs 200 crore was the proceeds of the crime.
On December 21, the court will also deliver its judgement in the 2G case against Essar and Loop.
The CBI alleged that the promoters of the Essar Group were the real investors and beneficiaries of the spectrum and licences were issued to Loop Telecom, a front company of Essar to acquire 2G licences and spectrum in 2008.
Essar and Loop promoters are facing trial for hatching a conspiracy to cheat the government for obtaining spectrum licence.
All the accused have denied the charges.