After Chai Pe Charcha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will now do Pariksha Pe Charcha. Modi will discuss tips and tricks with students for having stress-free exams at an open house session on February 16 at Talkatora Stadium. Approximately 3,000 school and college students will participate in the event and 10 crore students from across the country will be a part of the live event through various broadcast channels—online, TV , video conferencing etc.
The prime minister has recently written a book titled as Exam Warriors which offers advice to students on acing examinations without losing sleep over it. The book, released last week, also has several asanas of yoga, and recommends students to practice them to overcome stress and be fit.
The February 16 event will be an interactive session where students will be able to ask questions to the prime minister. Students appearing for class 10 and 12 board exams can skip it; also, it has not been made mandatory for schools to relay it.
"Twenty-nine crore students appear for exams every year. One crore teachers and three crore college students also give different types of exams. This means that exams are an important subject for every household," said Minister of HRD, Prakash Javadekar.
The minister further informed that the cabinet has approved the budget announcement on Prime Minister Research Fellows (PMRF). "Modi government is working with speed to achieve the target of innovation. Within weeks of budget announcing it, the cabinet has approved it and now it will come into force from July," he said.
Under the scheme, best students who have completed or are in the final year of BTech or integrated MTech or MSc in Science and Technology streams from IIT/IISc/NIT/IIIT/IISER will be offered direct admission to PhD programmes in IITs and IISc. These students will get a fellowship of Rs 70,000 per month for first two years, 75,000 for third year and 80,000 per month in fourth and fifth year.
Apart from this, a research grant of Rs 2 lakh will be provided to each of the fellows for a period of five years.
"So far, best students were going outside India for research. This (PMRF) will lead to brain gain as opposed to brain drain that was happening earlier. The students will take up research in frontier areas such as AI, robotics, 3D printing, nanotechnology etc," said Javadekar.
The scheme has been allocated Rs 1,650 crore for a period of seven years beginning 2018-19.