Former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Farooq Abdullah appears to be the newest entrant to the “bounty” list of the outrage brigade. The Anti Terrorist Front India on Tuesday announced a bounty of Rs 21 lakh for cutting Abdullah's tongue, saying he has 'insulted' the country with his pro-Pakistan remarks and was speaking 'against' the RSS.
Front national president Viresh Shandilya also demanded immediate investigation and arrest of the Srinagar MP.
"Abdullah has been speaking against the RSS and supporting Pakistan and had insulted India in his recent remarks," Shandilya said in a statement in Chandigarh.
"Abdullah is a big traitor in India and the Central government should withdraw Z plus security from him. I will award Rs 21 lakh to the person who cuts Abdullah's tongue," he said.
Recently, Abdullah had courted controversy with his remark "PoK belongs to Pakistan." A few days later, the National Conference chief said Pakistan was "not weak and was not wearing bangles to allow India to take that part of Jammu and Kashmir under its occupation."