Union Minister Nitin Gadkari on Friday announced that the Union government would shortly sanction Rs one lakh crore to Tamil Nadu for highways and port projects. He made the announcement in a meeting with state Governor Banwarilal Purohit.
During his brief interaction, Purohit recalled the demand of the state government to implement the interlinking of the rivers Mahanadhi-Godavari-Krishna-Pennar-Palar-Cauvery-Vaigai, a Raj Bhavan release said.
He also requested the Union minister for road transport, highways, water resources and shipping to divert surplus waters in the west-flowing Pamba and Achankovil rivers to Vaippar toward Tamil Nadu and requested an early decision on the matter.
During the meeting, the governor also discussed the state government's request for speedy approval of the Avinashi- Athikadavu Scheme.
Earlier, Gadkari reviewed various projects concerned to his ministries with Chief Minister E.K. Palaniswami, state Transport Minister M R Vijayabhaskar and senior government officials in Chennai.
Union Minister of State for Finance and Shipping Pon Radhakrishnan was also present on the occasion, the release added.