Anything about Sachin Tendulkar goes viral on social media. The cricket legend hogged the limelight after sharing a video on his official Instagram page of him plucking lemons off a tree amid running commentary.
Tendulkar, sporting a t-shirt and shorts, had a tough time snaring the fruit. “It's a six ..... errr it's a limboo,” read the caption.
However, the person who shot the video started his narration by saying that Tendulkar was trying to snare the fruit off a mango tree. He realises his mistake and calls it a “limboo”.
“Arre mango tree nahi, limboo hai,” Tendulkar responds. “It's a limboo, my friend.”
Tendulkar's followers, however, were quick to raise the query as to where his helmet was.
They were referring to his campaign on social media urging people to wear helmets while riding two-wheelers.
Earlier, last year, Tendulkar had posted a video on his Twitter handle asking youngsters on bikes to wear helmets.