Hard cash, credit cards, debit cards and digital wallets. The ways to spend money keep increasing. Keeping track of all your spendings, however, could be a cumbersome task.
Enter Money View, a free Android application to help those who want to be prompt with their personal finances, but find making data entries too tedious.
It is a smart app that uses a fairly low-tech solution—it organises your spending by keeping track of the messages your bank sends you. It also keeps a backup of all the trends it picks up from the messages.

The trends include daily, weekly or monthly spending, and the app also tracks the amount of cash withdrawn from ATMs.
Money View gives you relevant savings options and alerts you regarding bill payments. It also provides you a secure payment gateway to pay your bills.
The app allows you to keep withdrawal limits and it can also calculate exactly how much monetary headroom you have.
It uses 256-bit SSL encryption to secure user data. It does not access sensitive information like your account number or passwords, and locks the screen if there is no activity for a while. The screen can be unlocked by keying in a preset PIN password.