Does the mention of Enid Blyton give you bouts of nostalgia? Summer, heading to the library to borrow copies, exchanging books and character notes with cousins and friends, wanting to read just few more pages before sleeping and a lifetime love for reading—this is what Enid Blyton books left me with. As I read and sometimes re-read adventures of George, Anne, Dick, Julian and Timmy, here are some life lessons that stuck with me.
Love yourself: Ever-spirited George never let anyone bring her down with the 'behave like a girl' talk. Be it her own dad or anyone from the gang. She always stuck up for herself and never once tried to alter her tomboy self. You may be a natural leader like Julian or dedicated to neatness like Anne—either way, stay true to your original self. Loving and accepting yourself for who you are goes a long way in building your self confidence.
Be a toughie: There will always be people trying to tell you what to do and what not to, much like aunt Fanny. When you are being critcised, it is most likely because you are doing something awesome. Maintaining a tough exterior will put your naysayers in place and help you deal with any tough situation life may put you through—gangsters, smugglers and all!
Switch off once in a while: No matter how hard or busy your day has been, it is always important to wind down for a while. This is important especially today, when mobile phones and other gadgets have taken over our day-to-day life. So, give yourself a mini picnic once in a while by disconnecting and enjoying a leisurely activity like cooking or reading. The Famous Five made a good example of this by sitting down for a picnic or riding bikes from time-to-time. Well, most of their adventures began while on a picnic.
Always be ready for adventure: Every time the five go together, there would be something new to discover, to explore, to hunt, and the five never got tired of that. Life's like that; it could take you to an unexpected place or a situation. Make each day count and live life to the fullest. Always be ready to explore different possibilities and get out of your comfort zone every now and then.
Having a pet is a great idea: Little Timmy always managed to pull the five out of many sticky solutions. Be it alerting a parent or simply by helping the five gather twigs on a wet day, the fella was always helpful. A pet will be your loyal companion and will teach you values like gratitude and unconditional love. He will always be there to comfort you if you are feeling low, just like Timmy stood by George through thick and thin.