No to shave, yes to save


"Mom, don't forget to get beard wax by next week," my 20-year old brother shouted. It dawned on me then, it is the 'No-Shave November'. Beards are back in vogue and along with a stylish moustache, it could make you chick magnet! Yet, it is not all about looks and style.

Get hairy for a good cause

The 30-day campaign is a unique way to spread cancer awareness. Wondering how growing a beard will help in the fight against cancer? It is by saving the money you spend to trim, groom and shave in November that goes into raising cancer awareness, prevention and research about the disease.

Yet another foundation is the 'Movember' (Moustache + November), which is similar to the No-Shave November campaign, aiming at awareness of various types of cancers. Women, too, can contribute by donating hair to make wigs for cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy.

The origin

In 2009, the Chicagoland Hill family came up with the idea of raising money for charity, in memory of their father, Matthew Hill, who suffered from colon cancer. Though Movember or No-Shave November is for social awareness, in earlier times the November beards and moustache had a different purpose. It was to show that guys were old enough to vote.

How to become a part

All you have to do is register on the No-Shave November website and create your own personal page. You also could donate the money saved at the end of the month. The campaign has raised over $3.5 million dollars.

The campaign is in collaboration with American Cancer Society, Prevent Cancer Foundation, Fight Colorectal Cancer and St Jude Children's Research Hospital.

Social media

Needless to say, social media has played a major part in making the campaign viral. The American tradition has been embraced by people worldwide—celebrities, too—who have been posting their pictures encouraging others to give it a try. The San Antonio Police Department (SAPD) has also joined the campaign.

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